Borderless is Changing The Tech Landscape in Nigeria By Offering Scholarships to Nigerian Undergraduates
B<>rder/ess, tech not-for-profit arm of Crypto Smart, announced its Edtech scholarship to offer scholarships to 500 undergraduates in Nigeria and provide 100 laptops and over 1,000 productivity tools to the students, as goals for its upcoming annual event.
According to Annabel Allison, chief admin officer at b<>rder/ess, "the initiative to offer scholarships was born out of the challenges faced during the just-concluded borderless year."
B<>rder/ess offers training to newbies on different tech skills, which ranges from UI/UX design, web development, and data analytics to full stack development.
Though the training is free, students must pay a monthly registration fee of $7. And due to this, some students do not complete their cipher session, which lasts for 3 months.
In response to this challenge, b<>rder/ess decided to provide 500 scholarships to undergraduates and secondary school students while fresh graduates were not exempted.
B<>rder/ess Scholarship 2023: Everything You Need to Know
The application for the free tech scholarships was open for all eligible candidates from August 21st, 2023 to September 21st, 2023.
Applicants were asked to do a video introducing themselves and stating the course they were applying for.
That's not all; applicants are required to state the reasons why they want to register for their preferred course and whether they will be available for physical training or virtual training, as stated in the announcement post.
At the end of the application, there were 108 applicants from 28 universities in Nigeria.
Among the universities that were represented, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka had the highest number of applicants (12) for institutions outside Port Harcourt where b<>rder/ess hub is situated.
On the top of the list is University of Port Harcourt with 17 applicants followed by Rivers State University of Science and Technology with 13 applicants.
While reacting to the result of the scholarship, Karla Obakpolor, lead partner at b<>rder/ess hinted that University of Nigeria, Nsukka might be the next recipient of the b<>rder/ess hub.
Another amazing fact for the scholarship is that all 6 geo-political zones were duly represented. There are applicants from North Central, North East, North West, South West, South South and South East.
It seems upcoming tech enthusiasts are ready to dive into the core aspect of tech as web design and development had the lowest applicants with 19 applicants while UI/UX design had the highest applicants with 26 applicants.
All the available courses and the number of applicants is as follows:
The application also had both male and female, although male applicants nearly doubled the number of female applicants.
What's next for b<>rder/ess scholarship?
All successful applicants will start their cipher session by October 4th, 2023 which will end by December 22nd, 2023 while Borderless 2.0 will be on November 4th 2023 at Aztech Arcum event centre, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Borderless 2.0 is an annual tech event organized by the B<>rder/ess hub where tech enthusiasts, founders, developers and prospective tech bros and sis come together to learn and discuss the current technological developments across the globe with a view to build African youth who can build usable solutions for Africa. The theme for Borderless 2.0 is Becoming Solutions.
Where do I come in?
As a stakeholder in the tech space, you can be a part of the next African revolution in two ways.
B<>rder/ess scholarship
You can sponsor a student to learn a tech skill at B<>rder/ess for just $21.
Also, you can sponsor a student's laptop or donate a laptop.
Read more about the scholarship here
Borderless 2.0 events
You can be a part of the event by attending in person or virtually as the event will be streamed live across Crypto Smart social media platform.
Borderless 2.0 might also be a good place to pitch your tech solution to over 2,000 people physically.
Click here to know more about Borderless 2.0 sponsorship.
About Crypto Smart
Crypto Smart is a B2B Crypto Asset Management company founded in January 2021 by Karla Obakpolor, a blockchain business developer and Algorand ambassador in 2020.
The company offers fast and secure services which are based on a well-encrypted system with 24/7 customer support services. It has grown from offering its services to individuals to companies and major enterprises as well as providing crypto education through various crypto courses.
Crypto Smart upscaled to the Algorand blockchain and offers blockchain products which include SmartChange; a cross-chain P2P marketplace, Bitsave Protocol; a SaveFi protocol that combines savings with DeFi.
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